Adventures Mexico / Culinary

Yucatecan Beer: A Love Story

Cervecería Yucateca SA: The First Love “Whether it is a friendship or a relationship, all bonds are built on trust. Without it, you have nothing.” - Unknown  Yucatan has been a beer lover for many years.  As in any relationship, there has been ups and downs,...

Mayan Gods of Merida’s Market

Most local people would describe it as a city on its own. It is alive, it brings people together and it is the place where to find all you need to make life more flavorful, colorful and special. We are very happy to finally present...

Eat in Mexico as a local

Take note because you will find here the best tips to eat as a Mexican!1.- Eat in local MARKETS. Why? Because there you will find authentic Mexican food, cooked by local people who knows the real recipe.2.- Accept recommendations from locals. If you ask to...